"2. Why does man have a desire for God?
God himself, in creating man in his own image, has written upon his heart the desire to see him. Even if this desire is often ignored, God never ceases to draw man to himself because only in God will he find and live the fullness of truth and happiness for which he never stops searching. By nature and by vocation, therefore, man is a religious being, capable of entering into communion with God. This intimate and vital bond with God confers on man his fundamental dignity."
"There is no man nor woman...who does not love and fear God, but 'tis because our hearts are divided twixt love of God and fear of the devil and fondness for the world and the flesh, that we are unhappy in life and death. For if a man had not any yearning after God and God's being, then should he thrive in hell, and 'twould be we alone who would not understand that there he had gotten what his heart desired. For there the fire would not burn him if he did not long for coolness, nor would he feel the torment of the serpents' bite, if he knew not the yearning after peace."
~Kristen Lavransdatter, The Bridal Wreath, p.38
They mean, of course, that because we were made to know, love, and serve God we will be miserable without him, which is easy to understand. At the same time however, you have to wonder: the angels were created to know love and serve God, too; why isn't the devil unhappy? Or is he? Does he take genuine delight in being the promoter of sin? I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this subject.