On Laetamur Magnopere, which is an apostolic letter from Pope John Paul II I took these notes:
This project was begun in 1986 it was worked on by the 'Indicasterial
Commission' and presided over by Cardinal Ratzinger.
The latin edition was published in 1992.
On another apostolic letter, Fidei Depositum, I took these notes:
Vatican II was for Pope John Paul II "... the constant reference point of
my every pastoral action..."
The CCC was written over a period of 6 years.
A summary of the four parts was given in this letter:
Part 1: The Christian mystery is the object of faith
Part 2: It is celebrated and communicated in liturgical actions.
Part 3: It is present to enlighten and sustain the children of God in their
Part 4: It is the basis for our prayer, the privileged expression of which
is the Our Father and it represents the object of our supplication, our prause
and our intercession.
In the prolouge I took these notes and numbered them according to the paragraph in the CCC.
1. God, who is perfect, loves us.
3. We are called to spread the good news.
4 and 5. Catechisis is an "education in the faith" therefore those are in
the process of becoming Catholics or Catechists.
13. The catechism is based on the "four pillars" which are: The Creed ( or
the baptismal profession of faith), the sacraments of the faith, the life
of faith (the commandments), and the prayer of believer ( the Lord's
1 comment:
In your notes you caught what was for me the most dramatic thing I read in the introductory pages when I was first introduced to the CCC more than ten years ago. It was this...
Vatican II was for Pope John Paul II "... the constant reference point of
my every pastoral action..."
Before that, it seemed like everything I had heard about Vatican II was negative. It is so important for us to understand the distinction between what Vatican II said and what some people did in the name of Vatican II. So this phrase REALLY made me think!
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