Thursday, October 05, 2006

The chat goes ever on and on...

I have Ria and Love2learn mom with me right now. We'd like everybody to comment and keep this going. This began as a discussion on this quote. It has evolved into a chat on God's Will, Faith and Reason, Spiritual danger and prayer life. To follow it in a slightly erratic fashion, our discussion flowed in this general course:

First, the definition of "relative" and "absolute" truths. How we interact with others, and keeping our diversity without building up walls because of it while striving towards unity and truth. We talked about the importance of recognizing others' opinions and circumstances while preserving the ideal of absolute truth, and finding the and recognizing truth in a way of life that is strange to us.

Then we explored the Accidentals and Essentials of our thoughts, opinions and beliefs, the Church, and our lives; e.g., The Church does not require us to believe that Our Lady appeared to the three children at Fatima, but if we do not believe in the True Presence, we cannot honestly consider ourselves Catholics.

This led to discussion of people who would be guided easily by minute circumstances to what they presumed was God's Will. And how mincing minor affairs can lead to absurd conclusions, and therefore emphasizing the significance of logic.

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